TAKE HOME BANNERS!!! Four #1 grade SEXED ARCHITECHT *RC x Milksource Tranquility *RC. Tranquility *RC is an exciting AVALANCHE *RC daughter of none other than Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red EX-96, and a granddaughter of one of the showring favorite Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95 3E! These two have a combine 14 All-American nominations! This family SHINES at WDE! Tequila EX-96 was Grand Champion of the R&W show at WDE in 2015, and her daughters Milksource Taelyn and Milksource Thunder-Red were Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer 2018 and Supreme Champion Heifer in 2019 respecively! You want to make champions...Look no further!

HUGE INDEX POTENTIAL!!! Five #1 grade SEXED IVF LIONEL(+3172 GTPI, +1255 NM$, +3397 M) x MIsty-Moor Gameday Pop! Parent Average +3083 GTPI and +1152 NM$, these embryos are an instant game changer for your program! These embryos can be a gamechanger for your program, don't miss out!

BIG OPPORTUNITY!!! Five #1 SEXED IVF LIONEL (+3172 GTPI, +1255 NM$, +3397 M) x Misty-Moor Gameday Puff! Parent Average of +3075 GTPI and +1139 NM$!! Backed by Detla Pailou VG-88 with records over 50,000 for milk, this is a chance to make your mark on the Holstein breed!

Four #1 SEXED IVF MOONWALKER (+3063 GTPI, +1160 NM$) x Pine-Tree 9260 Amy! Parent Average of +3059 GTPI and +1162 NM$! Amy is from the same family as the high impact bull 7H14250 LEGACY, and is a granddaughter of the #1 SKYWALKER in the breed! This is an opportunity to make the great one!
Note: Embryos are made with NxGen semen from Select Sires. Buyer must have an existing NxGen Agreement or sign one before embryos can ship.

Four #1 LIONEL (+3172 GTPI, +1255 NM$, +3397 M) x Pine-Tree 9002 Michelle! Parent Average of +3012 GTPI and +1055 NM$! Backed by the same family as 7H14250 LEGACY, this family is as high impact as any! Big numbers, great cow family, what more could you want! Make sure you bid last!

Here is your chance to get in on SHOW WINNING RED!! Five #1 FARNEAR ARCHITECT *RC (+3.94 PTAT, +3.07 UDC) x Triple-T-MPH Rosi-Red! Rosie-Red is the UNSTOPABULL daughter of the 2x R&W All-American, and HM Sr Champion of the R&W show at WDE in 2021...Wil-O-Mar Diamndbk Rose-Red EX-94! These are sure to make winners, don't miss out on this great opportunity

Five #1 SEXED IVF JOEL x Pleasant Nook Tequila Daquiri EX-96! Tequila Daquiri has been one of the most consistent show winners in recent history, a 3x All-Canadian winner in milking form and HM All-American 4 year old in 2016! She has also proven to be a tremendous transmitting cow, as her daughter Apple Dumpling EX-91 MAX, was All-Canadian Jr 3 and Intermediate Champion at the Canadian Royal Winter Fair in 2019! Here is your chance to make sisters to Apple Dumpling by CANADIAN CLUB! Bid last on these and you are sure to take home banners!

Five #1 SEXED KID ROCK x Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93. Get ready to make BIG TIME show calves with this exciting offering from the full sister to the popular 14JE725 CASINO! This family is no stranger to high level shows. Corrina was nominated ABA All-American 4 year old in 2019 after a 4th place finish at World Dairy Expo! KID ROCK, one of the hottest Jersey bulls available, semen is not available in Europe, but these embryos can be exported! Don't miss your opportunity to make winners that are backed by the legend Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus EX-97, a 2x National Grand Champion!

CHAMPION PEDIGREE!!! Five #1 SEXED KING DOC x Gold-Barbara Side Beyond. Beyond is a promising SIDEKICK daughter of none other than 2019 WDE Grand Champion Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96 herself! Barbara is a 5x All-American in milking form, and transmits in a BIG way, with multiple high scoring and show winning daughters! This is your chance to get into one of the most consistent and high profile cow families in the world, backed by the Barbies, they don't miss!

Two #1 SEXED MAGNUM (+3039 GTPI, +1046 NM$, +1899 M) x Tramilda Bigal Indestroyabl! Great Parent Average of +2956 GTPI and +1000 NM$! Indestroyabl is a granddaughter of none other that View-Home Mrdian Iowa VG-85, one of the most impactful cows in recent history! With the combination of a great cow family, and great numbers...you can't miss!

HIGH IMPACT COW FAMILY and DOMINANT RED!!! Four #1 SEXED MONTEVERDI (+2987 GTPI +1021 NM$ +161 RZG) x Thurler Cmfrt Lgc Andesine Red! Get in on the same family that brought us the popular 200HO11963 CHAMPION-RED with these exciting MONTEVERDI embryos. Parent Average of +2845 GTPI +3532 LPI and 50% Dominant Red! This a cool offer you don't want to miss!
Note: Embryos are made with Semex FastStart semen. Buyer must sign FastStart agreement before embryos can ship.

Four #1 SEXED HOLYSMOKES (+3087 GTPI, +1004NM$, +1.96UDC) x Thurler Cmfort Legc Domino (A2A2, +2854GTPI, + 916NM$). A big opportunity to add a HOT family to your program. Domino goes back to Islehavne Gold Dancer Red VG-88! Parent Average of +2971GTPI +960 NM$ and the last five generations have tested an average of 152 pts OVER PA!! Don't miss your chance to make your own high interest females!
Note: Embryos made with Semex FastStart semen, buyer will have to sign the FastStart agreement before embryos can ship.

DOMINANT RED & POLLED!!! Three SEXED FUGLEMAN (+3016 GTPI, +1025 NM$, 158 RZG) x Thurler Comfort Lgcy Uma Red-P! Here is your chance a a super unique offering from one of the highest dominant red and polled heifers in the breed, backed by breed legend Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88! Parent average of +2847 GTPI and +887 NM$!
Note: Embryos made with CRV Create semen, buyer must sign agreement before embryos can ship.

7 embryos (1 #1 grade 6 #2 grade) SEXED IFV ENGINEER (+2993 GTPI +1012 NM$ +103F) x Pine-Tree BG720 Don 1006! Here's your chance to have your own high PA daughters of one of the highest ranking DONZINO daughters in the breed! Don 1006 is the number #6 GTPI and #3 NM$ DONZINO in the world! Backed by Rudy Missy, these embryos PA +954 NM$. Take your breeding program to the next level, bid last!