Five #1 grade SEXED PURSUIT (GTPI+2879 +961NM$ / +160 RZG) embryos from the high RZG Guarantee daughter (gRZG+157) that scores +853 Net Merit and +0.12%F. Freedom is backed by a huge indexing line from the MAKEAs! Don't miss this HIGH RZG OFFERING and make the next chart-topping RZG Female!
Note: embryos were made with Semex FastStart semen, buyer will have to sign the FastStart agreement with Semex before embryos can be shipped

Four #1 and one #2 grade SEXED SOLUTION (+2870GTPI +1030NM$ +2024MILK) embryos from a +2728 GTPI Slamdunk daughter with +104 lbs of fat and +0.19% fat, solid health traits and great type. Don't miss out on this tremendous mating of PRODUCTION and COMPONENTS.

Two #1 grade SEXED LAUTRUST (+1104M +63F +48P) embryos from a unique +2.85PTAT and +2.60UDC Diamondback daughter to EX-92 Butz-Butler Gold Barbara. Barbara was a 3x Class Winner at World Dairy Expo and Intermediate Champion in 2013. A tremendous combination of Boo's HIGH TYPE with Lautrust's HIGH INDEX, bid last and make the next show winner who can also work in the parlor.

Choose a mating sire and create calves from the potential 20th generation EXCELLENT granddaughter to Golden-Rose Rasberry. Rise-N-Shine is a unique outcross sired by AltaMoreno out of a 19th Generation Excellent Tango daughter to Rasberry.
Location: Washington, USA
At the closing of the sale, Holstein Plaza will contact the buyer regarding a ranking of their top 3 sire choices. Upon selection of a mutually agreeable sire, an IVF session will be scheduled and completed within 30 days. Note that the availability and restrictions of some sires may determine which sires can be used. The Consignee will report results to Holstein Plaza and the buyer will be contacted. If more than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the buyer has rights to purchase additional embryos. If less than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the invoice will be prorated for the number of embryos produced.

OPPORTUNITY to choose a mating sire and create calves from the beautiful, +3.65 PTAT Monterey granddaughter to Golden-Rose Rasberry. 50468 is well on her way to being a 20th Generation Excellent. She combines a solid index with strong production, extreme type, and great health traits.
Location: Washington, USA
At the closing of the sale, Holstein Plaza will contact the buyer regarding a ranking of their top 3 sire choices. Upon selection of a mutually agreeable sire, an IVF session will be scheduled and completed within 30 days. Note that the availability and restrictions of some sires may determine which sires can be used. The Consignee will report results to Holstein Plaza and the buyer will be contacted. If more than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the buyer has rights to purchase additional embryos. If less than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the invoice will be prorated for the number of embryos produced.

This donor dam is a 19th Generation EXCELLENT, scoring EX-90, sired by Montross out of the EX-91 Golden-Rose Rasberry. Rita scores nearly +2400 GTPI with +2.47 PTAT and over +1400 lbs of milk with a low +6.7 SCE. Rita is just fresh at the end of April and looks great. Choose your mating sire and make the next 20th Generation Excellent!
Location: Washington, USA
At the closing of the sale, Holstein Plaza will contact the buyer regarding a ranking of their top 3 sire choices. Upon selection of a mutually agreeable sire, an IVF session will be scheduled and completed within 30 days. Note that the availability and restrictions of some sires may determine which sires can be used. The Consignee will report results to Holstein Plaza and the buyer will be contacted. If more than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the buyer has rights to purchase additional embryos. If less than the guaranteed quality and quantity of embryos are produced, the invoice will be prorated for the number of embryos produced.

Five #1 grade IVF SEXED ALTITUDE-RED (PTAT+3.61 +3.40UDC +2.23FLC) embryos from a HIGH TYPE granddaughter to Golden-Rose Rasberry. 52221 scores an impressive +3.59PTAT and +852MILK, with high +2.40PL and +2.95UDC. Don't miss out on this high type offering with loads of production potential!

Five #1 grade IVF SEXED ALTITUDE-RED (PTAT+3.61 +3.40UDC +2.23FLC) embryos from the beautiful +3.65PTAT Monterey granddaughter of 18th Generation Excellent Golden-Rose Rasberry. 50468 is well on her way to being a 20th Generation Excellent. She combines a solid index with strong production, extreme type, and great health traits.

Four #1 IVF SEXED SOLUTION (GTPI+2870 +1030NM$ +2024M) embryos from one of the top indexing AltaTrueShot daughters, G-Deruyter Trueshot 51887. Backed by the Cookiecutter's and a strong line from the EX-95 2E GMD DOM Snow-N Denises Dellia!

Five #1 grade SEXED GOLD CHIP (+2.31PTAT +5.1SCE +2.22UDC) embryos from THE ONLY SOLOMON DAUGHTER to EX-97 Loyalyn Goldwyn June. Most recently June earned the title of Grand Champion at the 2018 Supreme Laitier and was the 2018 Reserve All-Canadian Longtime Production Cow. Junisse takes closely after her dam with a great combination of +2.59PTAT, +2.24UDC, and POSITIVE teat length. Junisse just scored VG-85.

Five #1 grade SEXED UNIX (PTAT+3.19 UDC+3.29) embryos from the Crush daugher direct from EX-92 Butz-Butler GOLD-BARBARA and backed by the great Regancrest Juror Brina. Brocade's low +2.38SCS, high +3.2PL and +2.12UDC combined with the high +2.31PTAT and low 5.1%SCE of Gold Chip make the perfect combination to make the next EXCELLENT granddaughter to Gold Barbara.

Three #1 grade SEXED SOLOMON (+2.91PTAT +2.61UDC) embryos from the beautiful, fresh Sid daughter to Butz-Butler Gold Barbara. These embryos bring a tremendous sire stack with Solomon x Sid x Goldwyn x Shottle. An elite show type offering backed by a deep pedigree cow family. Make the next EXPO WINNER!

Three #1 grade IVF SEXED SOLUTION (GTPI+2870 +1030NM$ +2024M) embryos from the unique Silver Wings daughter with +2701 GTPI +899 NM$, +924 Milk, and +107 lbs of Fat. Bid last and add PRODUCTION and COMPONENTS to your line up.

Three #1 IVF SEXED CRIMSON (GTPI+2822 +1045NM$) embryos from a high indexing Frazzled daughter. 51689 combines +1038 Milk, +93 Fat, and +49 Protein with +2777 GTPI and +934 NM$. These embryos have a unique sire stack, bringing together the high production and components of Crimson, Frazzled, Rubicon, and Mintmaker.
Note: embryos were made with ABS ICON semen, buyer will have to sign the ICON agreement with ABS before embryos can be shipped

Ten #1 grade CROWN-RED (+2.75PTAT +2685GTPI +782NM$) embryos out of the VG-86 Breckem daughter backed by EX-92 3E GMD DOM Wesswood-HC RUDY MISSY. This donor has already proven to produce heifers with a unique combination of nearly +3.00 PTAT, +2500 GTPI, and over +1000 Milk!

Two #1 grade IVF SEXED YASUTANI embryos from the only wagyu female to have MULTIPLE NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION titles, having been named Grand Champion Femaie at multiple National Shows. Misao's most recent accomplishment has been qualifying for 2017 Wagyu - Miss World. She is the only American Female in the history of the program to be qualified for that title!

Three #2 grade IVF SEXED YASUTANI embryos from the only wagyu female to have MULTIPLE NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION titles, having been named Grand Champion Femaie at multiple National Shows. Misao's most recent accomplishment has been qualifying for 2017 Wagyu - Miss World. She is the only American Female in the history of the program to be qualified for that title!

Take home some of the TOP USA Fleckvieh genetics! Selling 4 #1 grade HURLY (+2465Milk +82Protein +9.3DPR) embryos from the high producing Manitoba daughter of MJJ Winnipeg 77, direct from German Genetics! She scores a solid +2334Milk, 103Fat and +51Protein. Bid last and make the next TOP producing PUREBRED Fleckvieh!

Selling 4 #1 grade IMPRESSION (+2614M +49F+53P) embryos from the PUREBRED FLECKVIEH donor MJJ Mertin 859! Backed by MJJ Winnipeg 77 from a direct line of German genetics. This donor scores an extremely impressive 5.8DPR and +1951Milk. She is projected to hit a lifetime production of 100,000lbs in her 5th lactation. Some of the USA's top Purebred Fleckvieh genetics! Would be a great addition to any herd.

Four #1 grade IVF Hirashigetayaso embryos from the Supreme Champion Wagyu Female at the 2015 World Beef Expo. Direct from Coates Taiyo, one of the most prolific red brood cows of the breed, IWG Ms 142 is a complete package of type and production. Hirashigetayaso carries the unique GH Exon 5 Gene Type BB, giving his offspring superior carcass yield over any other sire. A unique opportunity to make the next winner in the show ring and in the carcass competition.

Selling 10 units of DESIGNER ABE semen. One of the higher type bulls of the breed, Designer Abe is sired by one of the hottest wagyu bulls, Takamichi Doi (FB7970). A double Misako with marbling power and extreme growth. His dam is the great brood cow, Bay Shige Miki 118 (FB16081) who continues to stamp out the legend makers! She comes from the elite Hisako cow family known for high quality meat traits, including extremely high marbling.
Abe continues to pass on the transmitting power that has been seen in his family. When looking for a high type bull, turn to Abe to help your reach your goals. His semen is EU certified and ready to ship at anytime.

Four #1 grade IVF Hirashigetayasu J2351 embryos from the highest marbling female out of the great Anio 6 cow family and one of the highest type females in the breed. Kumiko 147 won her class at the 2015 World Beef Expo and comes from a deep pedigree of both bulls and cows with great frame, milk production, and mothering ability. Sired by one of the greats in the Wagyu breed, these embryos are built for both type and production. A great opportunity to add high type and production, while increasing your own profitability index within your own breeding program.

Four #1 grade IVF Michifuku embryos from the highest marbling female out of the great Anio 6 cow family and one of the highest type females in the breed. Kumiko 147 won her class at the 2015 World Beef Expo and comes from a deep pedigree of both bulls and cows with great frame, milk production, and mothering ability. Sired by the famous Michifuku, these embryos are built for production and marbling. A great opportunity to add high type and marbling power, while increasing your own profitability index within your own breeding program.

One #1 & two #2 grade IVF Red Emperor embryos from an amazing red factor Red Emperor daughter that will produce the high marbling kind. From the heart of the Matsufuji 1802465 (FB322) cow family that is known for transmitting power and consistency. Sired by one of the most influential red bulls of the breed, these embryos are are destined to make an impact.