Holstein Plaza Auctions

IVF FEMALE ATWOOD x Vangoh Durham Treasure

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Total units
5 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Lot description

Five #1 grade IVF female Atwood embryos from Durham Treasure EX-96, the only cow in the U.S. with a nearly perfect Excellent-99 mammary score. Treasure is also the Unanimous All-American 125,000 lb. Cow 2013 and was recently named Best Udder of the Show and Reserve Grand Champion of the Midwest Spring National Holstein Show 2014.

United States of America
Can be shipped to
Eligible for U.S. shipment and export to the EU and China
Sire: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood GTPI+1942 +4.66T
Dam: Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96 99-MS