From the record-breaking $1.9M seller, S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784 sells six #1 grade IVF PAZZLE (GTPI+3060 +3.25 PTAT +0.6DPR) embryos from 8784's beautiful Lambda daughter, Deanna GTPI +2780 +2.39 PTAT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ... hottest cow family on the planet!

FOOTLOOSE! Four #1 SEXED IVF DROPBOX x Miss Lambda Footloose! It's not often you can buy embryos with Supreme Champions at World Dairy Expo in the pedigree, but its even rarer to have the opportunity to have two, and that's exactly what you have here! Miss Lambda Footloose is an exciting Delta-Lambda directly from the 2022 WDE Supreme Champion herself Oakfield Solom Footloose EX-96, and then goes back to none other than the 2x Supreme Champion Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97 3E GMD! Crossing Lambda and Dropbox is special! They won't miss and neither should you, BID LAST!

An exciting opportunity for an IVF session with the high indexing FROST BITE daughter MVD Frost Bite 28081! She combines an impressive +3061 GTPI with a great +1125 NM$! Tracing back through the Markwell Durham Felise EX-92 GMD DOM branch of the Ravens, you get huge cow power with the great indexes! Think of the endless opportunity!
IVF Session Terms: Buyer of IVF session has rights to control the next IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Buyer keeps all embryos from the controlled IVF session. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.

Six #1 grade IVF DG PEACE (+3079 GTPI, +1123 NM$, +1909 Milk) from the super balanced Jericho daughter Misty-Moor J Sample. A rare opportunity to add genetics from DG Peace, one of the top Captain sons available! Sample comes in with great % fat and protein, at +0.25 and +0.08 respectively. These embryos have a built in Parent Average of +3060 GTPI, +1123 NM$, and +1344 Milk! Backed by Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95 2E DOM, these embryos are your opportunity to make you mark on the Holstein breed, bid last!
Note: These embryos are made with AiTotal AiDol semen, buyer must sign the AiDol agreement before embryos can ship.

Three #1 SEXED IVF REDLEA *RC (+3065 GTPI +1056 NM$) x Aprilday 994 Isla-Red. Here is your chance to get in on one of the most influential families in the breed with potential RED females! Backed by MOM Halo, these embryos Parent Average +2894 GTPI +879 NM$ and +1.73 PTAT! Don't miss out on your opportunity to add high value potential RED females to your program, bid last!

Three #1 grade SEXED IVF ROCKY-RED x Aprilday 994 Isla-Red! Isla-Red is an exciting RYDER-RED daughter from heart of the MOM Halos, and is a health trait specialist, coming in at +2.74 SCS and +1.1 DPR! Parent Average for these RED calves is built in at +2779 GTPI and +1565 for milk!
Note: These embryos are created using ABS ICON semen. Buyers must sign the ICON Agreement before embryos can ship.

POTENIAL RED! Four #1 SEXED ALTITUDE-RED x Milksource Diamond Shade *RC VG-85, the sister to the 2021 WORLD DAIRY EXPO SUPREME CHAMPION...SHAKIRA! We all know what how well the Apple family transmits AND we've seen that the Altitude-Red daughters are lights out, here is your chance to put them together for a cross that can't miss! Bid last and make winners!

Four #1 SEXED DELTA-LAMBDA x Gold-Barbara Believe! This cross spells SUCCESS! Delta-Lambda is one of the HOTTEST and most used bulls in the industry, who we unfortunately recently lost. Here is a chance to get Delta-Lambda granddaughters of one of the most consistent winners the breed has ever know...Gold Barbara EX-96, a 5x All-American in milking form and 2019 World Dairy Expo Grand Champion!

The colored shavings are calling! Five #1 SEXED BULLSEY x Gold-Barbara Believe, a beautiful SIDEKICK daughter of the one and only Butlz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96! Barbara was All-American 5x in miking form and was Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo in 2019! Backed by the Barbies, this family's impact on the breed is incalculable, and you can have a piece of it here!

BIG TIME JERSEY opportunity! Five #1 Sexed IVF VIP x Pleasant Nook Action Frisky EX-96 4E! Few cows have competed and performed as consistently as Frisky, garnering FIVE All-Canadian nominations in milking form! The VIP daughters have been some of the standouts on the big stage as heifers and in milking form. This cross will win BIG! Make sure you don't miss out!

Four #1 SEXED IVF FIGARO (+3074 GTPI +1025 Milk +2.37 PTAT) x the incredibly balanced Fugleman daughter OCD 95540 Glassonion! Glassonion is one of the rare heifers that combines type and index, coming in at +3016 GTPI +1754 Milk and +2.26 PTAT! Tracing back to household names Larcrest Crimson EX-94 GMD DOM and Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 GMD DOM, these embryos check all the boxes! Parent Average of +3045 GTPI and +2.23 PTAT! Make sure you take these home!

Four #1 SEXED IVF DENTON (+3063 GTPI +1132 NM$ +2367 Milk) x the high NM$ high Milk AltaParcheesi daughter, Pine-Tre 9614 Unicorn! Tracing back through generations of fantastic No-Fla breeding, these embryos have a built in Parent Average of +3033 GTPI +1113 NM$ and +2089 Milk! A fantastic opportunity to add great numbers to your program!

DOMINANT RED & POLLED! Three SEXED FUGLEMAN (+3016 GTPI, +1025 NM$, 158 RZG) x Thurler Comfort Lgcy Uma Red-P. Here is your chance a a super unique offering from one of the highest dominant red and polled heifers in the breed, backed by breed legend Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88! Parent average of +2847 GTPI and +887 NM$!
Note: Embryos made with CRV Create semen, buyer must sign agreement before embryos can ship.

Five #1 grade MIXED FLUSH - SEXED MONTEVERDI (GTPI+2964 +161CFP +964NM$) and SEXED MAHOMES (GTPI+2887 +927NM$) x HIGH NM$ Dominant Red Comfort Thrlr Murphy Red Charm! Charm is one of the highest Net Merit$ dominant red females in the breed at +933 NM$! Embryos backed by the breed legend Stonden Fools Gold Red VG-88, these embryos will make HIGH INTEREST calves! Don't miss out on your chance to make a breed leader, BID LAST!

POTENTIAL RED! Five #1 grade IVF SEXED ALPHA is RC x Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss RC VG-89, the dam of crowd favorite Garay Awesome Beauty VG-88! Backed by Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95, these POTENTIAL RED calves that will be able to compete at any level! ALPHA *RC has been one of the most exciting RC bulls today, and we are sure to see daughters on the colored shavings! Don't miss out, bid last!

Four #1 grade SEXED RANGER-RED x Comfort Thurler Einstein Flynn! This family has proven to make BIG GLPI females, and here is you chance to add that to you program! Full sister to these embryos is one of the highest GLPI females in Canada at +3821! Built in Parent Average of +2847 GTPI +902 NM$ and +1185 Milk. Don't miss your opportunity to make HIGH INTEREST Red Carrier Females!

Four #1 Sexed IVF BILLY THE KID (+2966 GTPI +1134 NM$ +146lbs Fat) x the HUGE fat Overdo daughter, Kings-Ransom Overd Digit! Digit comes in at a whopping +143lbs Fat and 0.42%! Combine that with her impressive +3000 GTPI and the Kings-Ransom KB Delicate EX-93 family, and it's lights out! Built in Parent Average of +2983 GTPI +1056 NM$ and +145lbs Fat!

Five #1 grade SEXED CIRRUS-P (+2901 GTPI, +884 NM$, +0.93 FLC) x the high milk Pursuit daughter Thurler Pursuit 4360! POTENTIALLY POLLED! From the same family that brought us 29H18225 BURLEY at ABS, these embryos have a built in PA of +2860 GTPI, 919 NM$, and 3538 LPI... don't miss out!