Five #1 grade IVF SEXED UNSTOPABULL-RED (+2.80PTAT +2.66UDC +1.79FLC) embryos from the famous EX-96 Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red. Tequila has a long list of wins including Grand Champion R&W at WDE 2014 & 2015, and has multiple show winning daughters like Milksource Thunder-Red (Supreme Champion Heifer, WDE Junior & Open Shows 2019) and Milksource Taelyn (Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer, WDE 2018).

Three #1 grade SEXED DELTA-LAMBDA (+2.55PTAT +2.78UDC +0.73FLC) embryos from the beautiful, fresh Sid daughter to Butz-Butler Gold Barbara. Barbara was the 2019 Grand Champion Holstein at WDE. An elite show type offering backed by a deep pedigree cow family. Make the next EXPO WINNER!

Three #1 & three #2 grade SEXED WARRIOR-RED (+3.30PTAT +2.24UDC +1.55FLC) embryos from the red carrier daughter by Undenied direct from EX-96 Apple-Red. Autumn RC is backed by 7+ Excellent dams including 2 at EX-96 and 4 more over EX-93. These embryos have the potential to be over +3.00PTAT and over +2.00UDC! Bid last and buy into this Million Dollar family.

Three #1 grade IVF AUSTAD (+2934GTPI +788NM$ +1353MILK) embryos with the potential to be nearly+2850GTPI, and nearly +700NM$. Bliss is a Rebel daughter with a great combination of index and type. She scores nearly +2760GTPI, almost +575NM$, and +2.00PTAT!

Three #1 grade IVF AUSTAD (+2934GTPI +788NM$ +1353MILK) embryos from the beautiful Rebel daughter with +2757GTPI and nearly +650NM$. Celebrate has NEGATIVE stature, +6.3PL, +2.92SCS, and +2.2DPR. Don't miss this great mating to make the next No. 1.

HIGH RZG OFFERING...Four #1 grade SEXED HELIX (+159gRZG // +775NM$ +2942GTPI) from a RARE RED SKYWALKER daughter, backed by the FOOLS GOLD FAMILY. Blanche-Red is from the same cow family that has produced Tara P, the No. 1 RZG polled female with +139 RZE and +156 RZG. These embryos have the potential to be +159 RZG and +118 RZE. Potential to make a chart topping RED Helix!

Seven #1 grade GOLDWYN (+0.98PTAT +0.55UDC +0.83FLC) embryos from the beautiful September Storm daughter KY-Blue SS Dina. Dina is scored EX-92 and out of the EX-92 Outside daughter of the one and only Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 DOM! Don't miss this unique offering and make the next high type offspring from this tremendous cow family.

Seven #1 grade ATWOOD (+2.98PTAT +1.70UDC +2.17FLC) embryos from the beautiful September Storm daughter KY-Blue SS Dina. Dina is scored EX-92 and out of the EX-92 Outside daughter of the one and only Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 DOM! Don't miss this unique offering and make the next high type offspring from this tremendous cow family.

Seven #1 grade SEXED DYNAMO (+2766GTPI +683NM$ +1750MILK) embryos from a donor with high production potential, low calving ease, a great +1.09UDC, and a solid +3.3 productive life. 80553 is backed by the huge transmitting donor cow, Cookiecutter Mom Halo, and goes all the way back to EX-95 2E Snow-N Denises Dellia.

A2A2 MATING...Four #1 grade IVF SEXED HUEY (+2828GTPI +697NM$) embryos from the Blowtorch daughter with PL of +4.6 and a low 1.9% SCE. Next dam by Yoder followed by the full sister to Monterey, McCutchen Alabama and the tremendous line from the Rudy Missy! Elite offering from a tremendous AI family!

Four #1 grade IVF SEXED RIVETING (+2807GTPI +668NM$ +772MILK) embryos from the Blowtorch daughter backed by the Robust Ruby's! She scores over +1150 lbs of milk with over +70 lbs of combined fat and protein. Low calving ease and a low somatic cell score, combined with +4.0 PL, bid now on this production type offering!

Five #1 grade IVF SEXED DYNAMO (+2766GTPI +683NM$ +1750MILK) embryos from a unique Bourbon daughter with tremendous production potential. She scores over +1650 lbs of Milk and nearly +90 lbs of combined fat and protein. These embryos have great udder potential with +1.24 PA UDC.

Two #2 grade JEDI (+2543GTPI +449NM$ +2160MILK) embryos from the Delta daughter going back to Bomaz Daggat D Pizza VG-87 GMD DOM. A tremendous production mating with the potential to be over +1720 lbs of Milk with great components and a solid productive life. BID NOW!