Create the next show-WINNER! Selling are five #1 grade SEXED BEEMER (PTAT+3.68 +2.76UDC +2.32FLC) embryos out of a Doorman that scores a PTAT+2.99 and +2.40UDC... Directly out of the EX-96 EX-99-MS VANGOH DURHAM TREASURE!

Four #1 grade IVF SEXED UNDENIED (PTAT+4.19) embryos from the EX-91 Atwood and will likely complete 5 generations of All-American nominees! Her Doorman daughter, Budjon-Vail Doorman Emma was 2nd Place Summer Yearling Heifer at World Dairy Expo 2017. Create the next SHOW WINNER.

Four #1 grade embryos from a mixed flush of SEXED JACOBY (PTAT+3.90 +3.06UDC) and SOLOMON (PTAT+3.76 +2.45UDC) out of a VG-86-2YR-CAN Goldwyn daughter! Deep maternal line back to EX-2E-CAN 21* Idee Larissa! Lacey is milking and looks fantastic!

Four #1 grade IVF SEXED UNDENIED (PTAT+4.19 +2.33UDC) embryos selling out of a VG-85 Doorman daughter that scores a high +3.69PTA type and is directly out of EX-94 BVK Atwood Arianna! Armani has two of the highest type Archrival daughters in the WORLD! Tremendous type offering back to Chief Adeen!

Show type offering... Four #1 SEXED KINGBOY (PTAT+3.25 +2.65UDC GTPI+2552) embryos selling out of a Doorman daughter that's directly out of the EX-92 Beaverbrock Goldwyn Zoey that sold for $115,000 and was the Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion at the Midwest Spring National.